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Website Speed Test

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  • [TRY] Test speed of
  • [TRY] Test speed of

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Description #

Website Speed Test crawls pages of the target website and performs a deep analysis on how long it takes for each web page to load. The whole process is done twice – first time acting as a desktop device, and second time as a mobile device. A web page load speed directly affects end-user's experience. Having speed optimized websites is crucial especially for visitors that access the website over slow Internet connections, which is quite common for many mobile device users.

Besides visitors' experience, fast page load speeds are important factor that is considered by modern search engines. A slow website or a webiste with poor usability on mobile devices will rank worse in search result pages, and will thus receive less search engine traffic, than a well-optimized and fast website.

The analysis itself is based on Google's and Yahoo!'s expert recommendations for best practices and exceptional performance. It covers all aspects of loading a web page, including number of needed DNS lookups, number of needed TCP connections, using cache and expire headers properly, proper use and load of CSS and JS files, number of DOM elements, use of minification and compression algorithms, analysis of critical rendering path and single point of failure, etc.

The tool is based on, an open source tool that helps to analyze website speed and performance based on performance best practices and timing metrics.

Usage #

To run the test, simply fill in the target website's URL, set the Maximum pages to test, and hit the "Check Website Speed!" button. Wait for the results and analyze them.

The Maximum pages to test sets the limit on how many pages can be crawled on the target website. The tool can only test pages that are linked from the primary URL that you have entered. The tool will fail if the target URL can't be accessed, or does not return a successful HTTP code.

The final report consists of two main parts – the analysis for desktop devices and the analysis for mobile devices. Each part contains a table of aggregate results, which summarizes data collected from all web pages that were analyzed; a page statistics table, which contains summarized data and overall score for each of the analyzed web pages; and finally, the largest section of each part is a full list of page speed evaluation rules and their per-page results. Each page has its score for each rule on a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 is a perfect score – i.e. the web page passed the conditions prescribed by the rule; and any score below 100 means that the web page could perform better for the particular rule. The lower the score, the bigger is the final impact of the particular rule on the page load speed.